Saturday, August 27, 2011

Blogum Blogger Template

Are you looking for a simple and clean blogger template? You might want to use this new template I've converted from Wordpress. Blogum template was designed by WPShower for Wordpress. Here's the template description:

Description: Simple, clean, white, light, two-columns, right-sidebar and grid-based theme designed in a modern and minimalist style with a great attention to detail

DOWNLOAD (There's a Download File Now! at the middle of the download page)

1. In your Dashboard - Click LAYOUT
2. Click EDIT HTML
3. Click BROWSE
4. Select the location of the template you've downloaded and click UPLOAD

The Design->Page Elements will look like the one below. It's just like that because of the width of the content. Don't worry, when you view it, the layout is OK.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Weaver Blogger Template

I have a new blogger template that was adapted from Wordpress. It's the Weaver Blogger Template by I received an email asking me if I can convert this template to blogger. Me, feeling like a pro (LOL) said yes. I took me a few days just to be able to finish it and I'm glad at the outcome. Here's the screenshot.

I'm going to use this template in my other blog and you can download it too. Just please leave the credits intact for the one who asked me to convert it.

Download: WEAVER BLOGGER TEMPLATE DOWNLOAD (There's a Download File Now! at the middle of the download page)

1. In your Dashboard - Click LAYOUT
2. Click EDIT HTML
3. Click BROWSE
4. Select the location of the template you've downloaded and click UPLOAD

The Design->Page Elements will look like the one below. It's just like that because of the with of the right sidebar. Don't worry, when you view it, the layout is OK.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Orei Blogger Template

Whew! After not posting for a few months, here it is, my very first template! Well, it isn't my own design. designed it originally for Wordpress, but I liked it so I decided to convert it for Blogger. I'm new in converting templates and I'm not actually a web designer. With a help of a friend, I was able to convert it. I'm glad of how this template turned out. I love it!

I just can't help but be proud of it. That's why I want to share it with you guys. Please please do download it and check it out. Thank You! If you do have questions, please don't hesitate to leave a comment here.

Download: OREI BLOGGER TEMPLATE DOWNLOAD (There's a Download File Now! at the middle of the download page)

1. In your Dashboar - Click LAYOUT
2. Click EDIT HTML
3. Click BROWSE
4. Select the location of the template you've downloaded and click UPLOAD

Please, please leave the footer links intact as requested by a friend who helped me convert.